Results Announced for International Award for Sustainable Architecture Awards 2018.
APR Hosted Awards 2018 Highlights of the
competition this year outstanding designs. We are delighted to
congratulate ‘APR International Award for Sustainable Architecture Awards
2018. Hosted by APR with the idea of acknowledging the works of professionals
and students across the globe in architecture and design field.
'Architecture Press Release
(APR)' has been concluded. Some of the prestigious firms around the world
have been winner in IASA 2018 such as Smith-Miller
+ Hawkinson Architects, CUN Design, Maryann Thompson Architects, Crahay &
Architects, Minarc, Sara Design Studio, DAVIDE FANCELLO ARCHITETTURA, Infrastructure Vision, HKA Associates, Architect-Manuj Agarwal, Gayathri and Namith Architects , Acanthus Architecture & Interior
Consultants, Niki Pashaei Monfared, Prasanna Desai Architects, Wallmakers, Urbane – The Design Workshop Tala Shelbayh and many more. Hereby,
we welcome you to publish details about the awards, and the works of the
winners of the International Award for Sustainable Architecture Awards
2018, etc.
Full details on the awards and winners are
available on the official website here.
Below, we have organized the winning schemes by category.

Zens Brand Store In Beijing China World Trade Center
Tower by CUN Design
Architects: Shu Cui
Studio Name: CUN Design
Team Members: Wang Jizhou Chuan
Country: China
Architects: Shu Cui
Studio Name: CUN Design
Team Members: Wang Jizhou Chuan
Country: China
ZENS focuses on Chinese design while
keeping an eye on young Chinese designers, whom it dubbed as the “Platinum
Generation”. In the spring of 2017, ZENS and CUN DESIGN came into contact for
the first time and tried to accomplish a work together with a fresh design.

Walden Pond Visitor Center by
Maryann Thompson Architects
Architects: Maryann Thompson
Studio Name: Maryann Thompson Architects
Team: Zac Cardwell
Country: United States
Architects: Maryann Thompson
Studio Name: Maryann Thompson Architects
Team: Zac Cardwell
Country: United States
Walden Pond
State Reservation is an internationally acclaimed National Historic Landmark
and protected open space along 330 acres. Over 500,000 visitors a year visit
the pond due to its great beauty, as well as inspiration of Henry David

by Niki Pashaei Monfared
Architects: Niki Pashaei Monfared
Studio Name: Niki Pashaei Monfared
Team Members: Amir Abbas Fazal, Amir Reza Mollapour, Shayan Nadi
Country: Iran
Architects: Niki Pashaei Monfared
Studio Name: Niki Pashaei Monfared
Team Members: Amir Abbas Fazal, Amir Reza Mollapour, Shayan Nadi
Country: Iran
The first idea is Iranian Traditional
Architecture & Iranian Karavansaray which is famed as “Shah bbasi Karavansaray”.
The sustainable architecture which is used in the project is a combination
of Modern Sustainable Architecture & Traditional Architecture.

Les Jardins De Weiswampach 3 Immeuble À Appartements 2017
Pierre & Nature by Crahay & Jamaigne
Architects: Jean-François Crahay
Studio Name: Crahay & Jamaigne
Country: Belgium
Architects: Jean-François Crahay
Studio Name: Crahay & Jamaigne
Country: Belgium
Building of 44 apartment units and / or
offices and 4 commercial spaces located in Weiswampach in Luxembourg. The volume
in L develops at the angle of 2 roads. The elevation of the land is exploited
to give natural access to the 2 levels of underground parking.

Habitation Costa by Crahay & Jamaigne
Architects: Jean-François Crahay
Studio Name: Crahay & Jamaigne
Country: Belgium
Architects: Jean-François Crahay
Studio Name: Crahay & Jamaigne
Country: Belgium
Three floors secondary house located in
Stavelot (Belgium). The standard of living comprising mainly level -1, with a
set of underground cellars, opens completely onto the valley and the outdoor
pool through minimalist frames and a generous partially covered terrace.

Femap Nursing School by GRUPO ARKHOS
Architects: Ruben Escobar
Team Members: Ruben Escobar-Urrutia, Ricardo Pacheco, Roberto Najera
Country: Mexico
Architects: Ruben Escobar
Team Members: Ruben Escobar-Urrutia, Ricardo Pacheco, Roberto Najera
Country: Mexico
Juarez, Mexico, resiliency is what best
describes this city, a border city, bridging North and Latin America, a city of
migrants and hardworking people, where resources are scarce, and the
environment is harsh. Where cultures merge, and technologies.

Masaba & Sura Vie by Acanthus Architecture &
Interior Consultants
Architects: Nikhil Gupta
Studio Name: Acanthus Architecture & Interior Consultants
Team Members: Akhil Gupta, Aanchal Chauhan, Aasif Ali, And Meenu
Country: India
Architects: Nikhil Gupta
Studio Name: Acanthus Architecture & Interior Consultants
Team Members: Akhil Gupta, Aanchal Chauhan, Aasif Ali, And Meenu
Country: India
Nowadays eating out is frequent high drama
prospect to submerge you into not only in good food but in an atmosphere that
makes every day boring life feel distant.

Mg Road Boulevard by Gayathri and Namith Architects
Architects: Gayathri And Namith Architects
Studio Name: Gayathri and Namith Architects
Team Members: Gayathri Shetty, Namith Varma
Country: India
Architects: Gayathri And Namith Architects
Studio Name: Gayathri and Namith Architects
Team Members: Gayathri Shetty, Namith Varma
Country: India
When the metro was proposed at the prime
street M G Road, Bangalore, there was
a huge public clamor. One of the paramount streets of Bangalore was to
lose its identity.

The Neighborhood’S Cemetery: Reclaiming Cemeteries Inside
The City (Amman) by Tala Khaled Shelbayh
Architects: Tala Shelbayh
University: Graduation Project Thesis German Jordanian University
Supervisor: Arch. Tha’er Qub’a
Country: Jordan
Architects: Tala Shelbayh
University: Graduation Project Thesis German Jordanian University
Supervisor: Arch. Tha’er Qub’a
Country: Jordan
cemeteries are suffering from being neglected, unplanned and misused. These
cemeteries are facing a big problem, it become a protected area for Unethical
behaviors, nonetheless, placing loads of burden on the city.

Cities by Infrastructure Vision
Architects: Sebastiaan Menger
Studio Name: Infrastructure Vision
Country: The Netherlands
Architects: Sebastiaan Menger
Studio Name: Infrastructure Vision
Country: The Netherlands
“Solar Cities” is a new approach to refugee
camps, as future sustainable cities: it is an integration of the city of the
future with a solar power plant.

Team Members: Arq.Francisco Diaz, Arq.Ricardo Olivas, Arq. Francisco Padilla, Arq.Franco Reyes, Arq. Karla Lopez, Arq. Paulina Huerta, Arq. Josimar Bocanegra, Arq. Sergio Castillo, Ldi. Mariana Aguirre
Country: Mexico
Opened on October 2015, Technology HUB is a one-of-a-kind innovation and entrepreneurship community without parallel in any of the binational metropolitan regions along the U.S.-Mexico Border.

Studio Name: Fahed + Architects
Team Members: Ar. Githa Vijo, Ar. Marionne James
Country: Dubai
The scope of the brief was to develop a temporary pavilion for hosting the ABWAB 2017. The interesting part was that it needed to be made of a waste material that’s left for recycling at Bee’ah’s yard.

Zerega Ems Station by Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects LLP Architects: Henry Smith-Miller
Studio Name: Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects LLP
Team Members: Henry Smith-Miller, Faia Laurie Hawkinson, Ra Starlin Keene
Country: United States
The Zerega Avenue EMS Station (Emergency Medical Services – an ambulance dispatch and maintenance facility) was commissioned by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose NYC 2030 Plan for the greater NYC metropolitan area forecasted a City responsible to its Citizens and to the Environment.

Studio Name: Architect-Manuj Agarwal
Team Members: Manuj Agarwal, Principal Architect, Adarsh K.,Project Architect, Ra Rajendra Gosain, Structure Engineer
Country: India
The house functions as an architect’s studio cum home in the city of Dehradun, (in proximity of Mussorie) with a rustic, homely atmosphere nestled in the natural environment.

Drexel Residence by Minarc Architects: Erla Ingjaldsdottir
Studio Name: Minarc
Team Members: Erla Ingjaldsdottir, Tryggvi Thorsteinsson
Country: United States
Tucked away in the quiet little neighborhood of Beverly Grove, so named for its fitting location between the Beverly Center and the Grove, is the newest Drexel Residence.

Lagos Wooden Tower by HKA Associates Architects: Hermann Kamte
Studio Name: HKA Associates
Country: Camerooon
In the light of growing evolution of all industries, we are forced to admit that the twenty-first century is the beginning of the golden age of African peoples.

Nest by Sara Design Studio Architects: Sara Ng
Studio Name: Sara Design Studio
Country: Malaysia
The configuration of Light and Lines accompanied by Text and Texture define the overall concept of the apartment. Rigidity of lines brings strength and dynamism to the space, whereas the interplay of lights balances with tenderness and fun. Use glasses to enhance the perspective and lighting of the space.

Framing The Landascape (Incorniciando Il Paesaggio) by DAVIDE FANCELLO ARCHITETTURA Architects: Davide Fancello
Country: Italy
In the heart of Sardinia Mountains, in Dorgali, where the artisan’s tradition is still strong, the replacement of an obsolete bus shelter became the opportunity to create a work of architecture, which has seen close collaboration between designers, administration and local workers, setting a build quality and social constructive example.

Solar Cities by Infrastructure Vision Architects: Sebastiaan Menger
Studio Name: Infrastructure Vision
Country: The Netherlands
“Solar Cities” is a new approach to refugee camps, as future sustainable cities: it is an integration of the city of the future with a solar power plant.
To see full results kindly visit the link.
Another great opportunity.
APR’s next award Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2018 is
open for Registration.
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